Welcome to the ART of HOLISTIC, where Movement and Mindfulness integrate in an impactful and creative way, to offer a deeply transformative and personal experience. A space to find Holistic Support to restore the connection with your Self and the world around. Living more Consciously, Mindfully and Sustainably.
Let your Body, Mind and Spirit find true Harmony and Balance.
Open to New Possibilities!
Thank you for visiting this space, my name is Valentina Deva Ray, I am an Holistic Therapist, certified Yoga Teacher (RYT) and Yoga Therapy Instructor, Macrobiotic and Somatic Coach (CPD-IPF). I found Yoga many years ago, when I was recovering from a serious physical condition. With a dancer background, I expressed myself through art and movement, and suddenly I had to deal with my body's unexpected limitations. It was unsettling and shocking, but I found my way out through Yoga. I was drawn to it and I consistently and naturally began practicing, reading Yoga books and meditating, finding a greater sense of renewal, of joy and of purpose. Everyday with the practice I became more and more aware of my journey and of the connection with the Universe.
Ever since, Yoga has been my medicine, my life, my friend and my best teacher.
I studied various Holistic Healing modalities, Western and Eastern philosophies and Oriental medicine, in California, England, Italy, Egypt, Mexico, and many more places where I lived. Macrobiotics opened to me the door to a deeper appreciation of our intimate connection with Nature and it’s nurturing healing power. For three years I worked as Intuitive Guide and Spiritual Mentor at one of the most renowned place for Physics in New York. I treasure the invaluable experience of getting to know many different human paths and realities, different struggles and life's passions. I'm grateful for the opportunity to closely observe the beautiful thread that unifies every individual despite any background, the thread of wanders of the Soul.
ART of HOLISTIC was born out of the desire to honoring the wholeness of this life through Body, Mind and Soul. Offering an accessible and unique space to find tangible, direct and personalized Holistic Support. I fuse Yoga, Macrobiotics and Mindfulness through movement, emotional work and Alchemic Arts.
My inspiration, purpose and joy is to share all these powerful practices and gifts of transformation with love and I look forward to bring those to you.